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《Fluent Forever》是一本由加布里埃尔·怀纳(Gabriel Wyner)所著的语言学习指南,这本书自出版以来就受到了广泛的关注和好评。
《Fluent Forever》深入探讨了语言学习的各个方面,从发音、词汇、语法到实际应用,都提供了详尽的策略和技巧。作者怀纳通过自学掌握了六种语言,并在书中分享了他的高效学习方法。这些方法不仅适用于英语学习者,也适用于其他语言的学习者。书中强调了记忆技巧、间隔重复学习系统(SRS)以及真实世界视频资源在语言学习中的应用,这些策略都极具实用性,能够帮助学习者更快速、更有效地掌握一门新语言。
自出版以来,《Fluent Forever》受到了语言学习者、教师和书评人的广泛好评。许多读者表示,通过遵循书中的策略,他们的语言学习效率和效果得到了显著提升。这本书不仅为学习者提供了实用的学习方法和技巧,还激发了他们对语言学习的热情和信心。
《Fluent Forever》是一本值得一读的语言学习指南。它不仅提供了实用的学习方法和技巧,还帮助读者树立了正确的语言学习观念。无论你是初学者还是有一定基础的语言学习者,这本书都将为你提供宝贵的指导和启发。
书名:Fluent Forever: How to Learn Any Language Fast and Never Forget It
作者:Gabriel Wyner
简介:“A brilliant and thoroughly modern guide to learning new languages.”—Gary Marcus, cognitive psychologist and author of the New York Times bestseller Guitar Zero
At thirty years old, Gabriel Wyner speaks six languages fluently. He didn’t learn them in school—who does? Rather, he learned them in the past few years, working on his own and practicing on the subway, using simple techniques and free online resources—and here he wants to show others what he’s discovered.
Starting with pronunciation, you’ll learn how to rewire your ears and turn foreign sounds into familiar sounds. You’ll retrain your tongue to produce those sounds accurately, using tricks from opera singers and actors. Next, you’ll begin to tackle words, and connect sounds and spellings to imagery rather than translations, which will enable you to think in a foreign language. And with the help of sophisticated spaced-repetition techniques, you’ll be able to memorize hundreds of words a month in minutes every day.
This is brain hacking at its most exciting, taking what we know about neuroscience and linguistics and using it to create