The Global Currency Power of the US Dollar: Problems and Prospects-美元的全球货币力量

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The Global Currency Power of the US Dollar: Problems and Prospects-美元的全球货币力量

美元在全球金融体系中继续发挥着主导作用,美国货币政策也有着巨大的溢出效应。曾在国际货币基金组织工作的经济学家Anthony Elson探讨了这一现象的原因和未来发展趋势,追溯了美元在贸易和资金流动中逐渐被广泛使用的历史根源,这同时也是二战后美国逐渐成为世界最大经济体的过程。

书名:The Global Currency Power of the US Dollar: Problems and Prospects《美元的全球货币力量:问题与前景》

作者:Anthony Elson

简介:This book explains how the US dollar serves as the primary reserve currency for the international financial system and assesses its prospects for the future. The book provides an analysis of the main factors that have given rise to the global currency power of the dollar and the key benefits that have accrued to both the United States and other countries from this arrangement. It then considers the growing costs that can be associated with the dollar-centered reserve system and the prospects for the medium-term in terms of its potential threats to global financial stability. In the light of these considerations, the book examines three alternative currency arrangements that could address some or all of the defects associated with the global currency power of the dollar. These include a shift to a multi-reserve currency system, an enhancement of the IMF’s role as an international lender of last resort and provider of global “safe” assets, and the introduction of central bank digital currencies. "A cogent, persuasive and timely look at the dollar's power." Kirkus Reviews

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