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《The Journey of Leadership: How CEOs Learn to Lead from the Inside Out》是一本由库尔特·斯特罗维克、汉斯-维尔纳·卡斯、达娜·马奥尔和拉梅什·斯里尼瓦桑合著的书籍,旨在探讨领导者如何由内而外学习领导,并提供了对领导力的深刻洞见。
从内容上看,这本书不仅提供了丰富的理论支持,还通过具体案例和实战经验,帮助读者更好地理解领导力的本质。它鼓励领导者首先与自己建立联系,然后才能激励和授权他们的组织。书中指出,许多掌握了所有正确执行技能的领导者,由于缺乏深层的心理层面的自我认知,难以将他们的愿望与组织的实际表现联系起来。因此,从“Inside out”的领导方式成为了关键,这需要领导者不断学习、倾听、激励和关心。
总的来说,《The Journey of Leadership》是一本值得反复翻阅的好书,它不仅提供了关于领导力的深刻洞见,还通过具体案例和实战经验帮助读者提升领导能力。对于任何希望在职场上有所作为的人来说,这本书都是一本不可多得的参考书。
书名:The Journey of Leadership: How CEOs Learn to Lead from the Inside Out《领导力之旅:CEO如何由内而外学习领导》
作者:Dana Maor, Hans-Werner Kaas, Kurt Strovink
简介:When the pressure is on, many of the world’s top CEOs turn to McKinsey & Company to reinvent themselves and their organizations. The Journey of Leadership brings the experience of one of the world’s most influential consulting firms right to your fingertips.
This book is the first-ever explanation of McKinsey’s step-by-step approach to transforming leaders both professionally and personally, including revealing lessons from its legendary CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum, which has counseled more than five hundred global CEOs over the past decade. It is a journey that helps leaders hone the psychological, emotional, and, ultimately, human attributes that result in success in today’s most demanding top job.
Packed with insightful and never-before-heard reflections from leaders, including Ed Bastian (CEO of Delta Air Lines), Makoto Uchida (CEO of Nissan Motor Corporation), Mark Fields (former CEO of Ford Motor Company), Reeta Roy (CEO of Mastercard Foundation), and Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna), you will learn how
Assess your personal leadership approach and style objectively. Discover your true mandate as a leader.Balance “right-brained” and “left-brained” leadership skills.Develop creative, actionable ways to reinvigorate both yourself and your organization.Create a personal commitment plan to inspire your team and cement your legacy.
The Journey of Leadership is an invaluable resource for anyone running or hoping to run an organization in today’s ever-more-complex world.