Random Acts of Medicine: The Hidden Forces That Sway Doctors, Impact Patients, and Shape Our Health

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Random Acts of Medicine: The Hidden Forces That Sway Doctors, Impact Patients, and Shape Our Health

《Random Acts of Medicine: The Hidden Forces That Sway Doctors, Impact Patients, and Shape Our Health》是一本由Anupam B. Jena和Christopher Worsham, M.P.H.共同撰写的一本医学与社会学交叉领域的著作,它以其独特的视角和深入的探讨,吸引了众多读者的目光‌。

‌Anupam B. Jena‌:哈佛大学的医疗保健政策与医学教授,同时也是波士顿麻省总医院的执业医生。他拥有经济学博士学位,还是《魔鬼经济学》博客节目的主持人之一。这样的学术和实践背景使他能够从独特的视角审视医学问题。

‌Christopher Worsham‌:麻省总医院重症监护室的肺病医生,同时也是哈佛大学医学院的医疗政策研究员。他的临床经验和研究专长使得本书在医学专业性方面得到了充分保障。



此外,《Random Acts of Medicine》还对于当前医学实践中的一些问题提出了独到的见解。它让我们意识到,尽管医学科技在不断进步,但随机性仍然是医学决策中不可忽视的因素。这种认识对于提高医疗质量、改善患者预后具有重要意义‌。

《Random Acts of Medicine》是一本具有深刻洞见和广泛影响力的医学社会学著作。它通过独特的视角、丰富的案例和深刻的洞见,揭示了医学领域中一些被忽视的问题和挑战。无论你是医学工作者还是对医学感兴趣的普通人,这本书都能为你带来宝贵的启示和思考‌。

书名:Random Acts of Medicine: The Hidden Forces That Sway Doctors, Impact Patients, and Shape Our Health

作者:Anupam B. Jena, Christopher Worsham

简介:Does timing, circumstance, or luck impact your health care? This groundbreaking book reveals the hidden side of medicine and how unexpected—but predictable—events can profoundly affect our health. • Is there ever a good time to have a heart attack? Why do kids born in the summer get diagnosed more often with A.D.H.D.? How are marathons harmful for your health, even when you're not running?

"Fantastically entertaining and deeply thought-provoking." —Emily Oster, New York Times bestselling author of The Family Firm, Cribsheet, and Expecting Better

"Smart, entertaining, and full of surprises." —Steven D. Levitt, #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Freakonomics

As a University of Chicago–trained economist and Harvard medical school professor and doctor, Anupam Jena is uniquely equipped to answer these questions. And as a critical care doctor at Massachusetts General who researches health care policy, Christopher Worsham confronts their impact on the hospital’s sickest patients. In this singular work of science and medicine, Jena and Worsham show us how medicine really works, and its effect on all of us.

Relying on ingeniously devised natural experiments—random events that unknowingly turn us into experimental subjects—Jena and Worsham do more than offer readers colorful stories. They help us see the way our health is shaped by forces invisible to the untrained eye. Is there ever a good time to have a heart attack? Do you choose the veteran doctor or the rookie?  Do you really need the surgery your doctor recommends? These questions are rife with significance; their impact can be life changing. Addressing them in a style that’s both animated and enlightening, Random Acts of Medicine empowers you to see past the white coat and find out what really makes medicine work—and how it could work better.

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