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《Spartina》是John Casey的一部力作,荣获1989年美国国家图书奖,这部小说以其细腻的叙述和深刻的主题赢得了广泛的赞誉
小说的故事围绕罗德岛的渔民Dick Pierce展开。Dick为了继续祖辈的传统渔业生活,决定建造一艘50英尺的渔船“Spartina”。然而,由于资金短缺,他陷入了困境,不得不冒险寻求解决办法。在一场海上风暴中,Dick不仅要保护自己的梦想,还要面对人生中的种种挑战。故事情节紧凑且充满悬念,从Dick决定造船的那一刻起,读者就被深深吸引,随着故事的推进,我们仿佛与Dick一同经历了他的喜怒哀乐,感受到了他在追求梦想过程中的坚韧与不屈。
小说中的人物形象鲜明且立体,尤其是主人公Dick Pierce。他是一个有着坚定信念和顽强毅力的渔民,面对困境从不轻言放弃。他的性格中既有渔民的粗犷与豪迈,又不乏细腻与敏感。通过Dick的形象,我们不仅能够看到一个普通渔民的生活状态,更能感受到他对梦想的执着追求和对生活的热爱。此外,小说中的其他人物也各具特色,他们的出现为故事增添了更多的色彩和深度。
作者:John Casey
简介:A classic tale of a man, a boat, and a storm, Spartina is the lyrical and compassionate story of Dick Pierce, a commercial fisherman along the shores of Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay. A kind, sensitive, family man, he is also prone to irascible outbursts against the people he must work for, now that he can no longer make his living from the sea.
Pierce's one great passion, a fifty-foot fishing boat called Spartina, lies unfinished in his back yard. Determined to get the funds he needs to buy her engine, he finds himself taking a foolish, dangerous risk. But his real test comes when he must weather a storm at sea in order to keep his dream alive.