Curtis Sittenfeld Show Don't Tell

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Curtis Sittenfeld Show Don't Tell

‌Curtis Sittenfeld的《Show Don’t Tell》是一部探讨婚姻、友谊、名声和艺术抱负的幽默、睿智且动人的短篇小说集,展现了作者独特的叙事才华和对人物深刻的洞察力。

‌Sittenfeld以其精湛的笔触,刻画了一系列栩栩如生的人物形象。作者巧妙地运用了“Show Don’t Tell”的叙事原则,通过具体场景和细节来展现人物内心世界和故事情节。《Show Don’t Tell》不仅是一部娱乐性的读物,更是一部引人深思的作品。它通过幽默而深刻的笔触,探讨了现代社会中的种种问题,如性别平等、婚姻观念、艺术追求等,激发了读者对这些问题的思考和探讨。

书名:Show Don't Tell

作者:Curtis Sittenfeld

简介:A funny, fiercely intelligent, and moving collection exploring marriage, friendship, fame, and artistic ambition—including a story that revisits the main character from Curtis Sittenfeld’s iconic novel Prep—from the New York Times bestselling author of Eligible and Romantic Comedy

In her second story collection, Sittenfeld shows why she’s as beloved for her short fiction as she is for her novels. In these dazzling stories, she conjures up characters so real that they seem like old friends, laying bare the moments when their long held beliefs are overturned.

In “The Patron Saints of Middle Age,” a woman visits two friends she hasn’t seen since her divorce. In “A for Alone,” a married artist embarks on a creative project intended to disprove the so-called Mike Pence Rule, which suggests that women and men can’t spend time alone together without lusting after each other. And in “Lost but Not Forgotten,” Sittenfeld gives readers of her novel Prep a window into the world of her beloved character Lee Fiora, decades later, when Lee attends an alumni reunion at her boarding school.

Hilarious, thought-provoking, and full of tenderness for her characters, Sittenfeld’s stories peel back layer after layer of our inner lives, keeping us riveted to the page with her utterly distinctive voice.

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