Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Dream Count

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Dream Count

《Dream Count》是尼日利亚著名作家奇玛曼达·恩戈兹·阿迪契(Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)的新作。这本书以其深刻的主题、丰富的人物塑造和细腻的情感描绘,赢得了广泛的关注和赞誉。
《Dream Count》讲述了四位非洲女性在大西洋两岸的短暂欢乐与持久失望。这些女性来自不同的背景,但她们都面临着相似的挑战和困境。作者通过她们的故事,探讨了爱情、家庭、身份和归属感等深刻主题。这些主题不仅具有普遍性,而且与当代社会的现实紧密相连,引发了读者对人生和社会的深刻思考‌。

《Dream Count》不仅是一部文学作品,更是一部具有深刻社会意义的作品。它揭示了当代非洲女性所面临的种种挑战和困境。通过这本书,作者向读者展示了非洲女性的坚韧和力量,以及她们为追求自由和尊严所做出的努力。 

书名:Dream Count

作者:Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

简介:A publishing event ten years in the making—a searing, exquisite new novel by the best-selling and award-winning author of Americanah and We Should All Be Feminists—the story of four women and their loves, longings, and desires.

Chiamaka is a Nigerian travel writer living in America. Alone in the midst of the pandemic, she recalls her past lovers and grapples with her choices and regrets. Zikora, her best friend, is a lawyer who has been successful at everything until — betrayed and brokenhearted — she must turn to the person she thought she needed least. Omelogor, Chiamaka’s bold, outspoken cousin, is a financial powerhouse in Nigeria who begins to question how well she knows herself. And Kadiatou, Chiamaka’s housekeeper, is proudly raising her daughter in America – but faces an unthinkable hardship that threatens all she has worked to achieve.

In Dream Count, Adichie trains her fierce eye on these women in a sparkling, transcendent novel that takes up the very nature of love itself. Is true happiness ever attainable or is it just a fleeting state? And how honest must we be with ourselves in order to love, and to be loved? A trenchant reflection on the choices we make and those made for us, on daughters and mothers, on our interconnected world, Dream Count pulses with emotional urgency and poignant, unflinching observations on the human heart, in language that soars with beauty and power. It confirms Adichie’s status as one of the most exciting and dynamic writers on the literary landscape.

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