Hiro Arikawa The Travelling Cat Chronicles

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Hiro Arikawa The Travelling Cat Chronicles

‌《The Travelling Cat Chronicles》是一本温馨感人的日式小说,通过猫咪的视角展现了人与宠物之间深厚的情感纽带,以及主人公在旅途中对人生的深刻反思‌。




总的来说,《The Travelling Cat Chronicles》是一本值得一读再读的好书。它不仅让读者感受到了人与宠物之间深厚的情感纽带,还引导读者去思考人生的意义和价值。无论你是猫爱好者,还是喜欢温馨感人故事的读者,这本书都不会让你失望‌。

书名:The Travelling Cat Chronicles

作者:Hiro Arikawa

简介:We take journeys to explore exotic new places and to return to the comforts of home, to visit old acquaintances and to make new friends. But the most important journey is the one that shows us how to follow our hearts...

An instant international bestseller and indie bestseller, The Travelling Cat Chronicles has charmed readers around the world. With simple yet descriptive prose, this novel gives voice to Nana the cat and his owner, Satoru, as they take to the road on a journey with no other purpose than to visit three of Satoru's longtime friends. Or so Nana is led to believe...

With his crooked tail—a sign of good fortune—and adventurous spirit, Nana is the perfect companion for the man who took him in as a stray. And as they travel in a silver van across Japan, with its ever-changing scenery and seasons, they will learn the true meaning of courage and gratitude, of loyalty and love.

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