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《All the Water in the World》是一部融合了文学惊悚与冒险元素的小说,其背景设定在一个冰川融化后的未来世界,部分情节发生在纽约自然历史博物馆的屋顶上。小说以一位对水有着深厚感情的女孩诺妮的视角展开,讲述了一家人在几乎空无一人的纽约市中的生存故事。
《All the Water in the World》以其独特的视角和深刻的主题吸引了读者的眼球。小说不仅让我们思考了在灾难面前人类应该如何生存与重建,更让我们反思了文明的脆弱与珍贵。它提醒我们,无论面对多大的困境,只要心中有爱、有工作、有社区和知识,我们就能够找到希望并继续前行。
书名:All the Water in the World
作者:Eiren Caffall
简介:In the tradition of Station Eleven, a literary thriller set partly on the roof of New York’s Museum of Natural History in a flooded future.
All the Water in the World is told in the voice of a girl gifted with a deep feeling for water. In the years after the glaciers melt, Nonie, her older sister and her parents and their researcher friends have stayed behind in an almost deserted New York City, creating a settlement on the roof of the American Museum of Natural History. The rule: Take from the exhibits only in dire need. They hunt and grow their food in Central Park as they work to save the collections of human history and science. When a superstorm breaches the city’s flood walls, Nonie and her family must escape north on the Hudson. They carry with them a book that holds their records of the lost collections. Racing on the swollen river towards what may be safety, they encounter communities that have adapted in very different and sometimes frightening ways to the new reality. But they are determined to find a way to make a new world that honors all they've saved.
Inspired by the stories of the curators in Iraq and Leningrad who worked to protect their collections from war, All the Water in the World is both a meditation on what we save from collapse and an adventure story—with danger, storms, and a fight for survival. In the spirit of From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler and Parable of the Sower, this wild journey offers the hope that what matters most – love and work, community and knowledge – will survive.