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《The Dream Hotel》是莱拉·拉拉米(Laila Lalami)的一部引人入胜且极具原创性的小说,这位作者曾入围普利策奖和国家图书奖,并被NPR誉为“文学小说的女大师”。小说设定在一个近未来世界,其中甚至梦境都受到监控,讲述了一个女人为自由而战的扣人心弦的故事。
《The Dream Hotel》不仅是一部引人入胜的小说,更是一部具有深刻思考的作品。拉拉米巧妙地借助未来世界的设定,探讨了科技对人类社会的影响与冲击。她通过萨拉的经历,揭示了科技在带来便利的同时,也可能成为束缚我们自由的枷锁。小说中的梦境监控、数据算法等元素,不仅增添了故事的科幻色彩,也引发了读者对隐私、自由与真相的深刻思考。
书名:The Dream Hotel
作者:Laila Lalami
简介:From Laila Lalami—the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award finalist and a “maestra of literary fiction” (NPR)—comes a riveting and utterly original novel about one woman’s fight for freedom, set in a near future where even dreams are under surveillance.
Sara has just landed at LAX, returning home from a conference abroad, when agents from the Risk Assessment Administration pull her aside and inform her that she will soon commit a crime. Using data from her dreams, the RAA’s algorithm has determined that she is at imminent risk of harming the person she loves most: her husband. For his safety, she must be kept under observation for twenty-one days.
The agents transfer Sara to a retention center, where she is held with other dreamers, all of them women trying to prove their innocence from different crimes. With every deviation from the strict and ever-shifting rules of the facility, their stay is extended. Months pass and Sara seems no closer to release. Then one day, a new resident arrives, disrupting the order of the facility and leading Sara on a collision course with the very companies that have deprived her of her freedom.
Eerie, urgent, and ceaselessly clear-eyed, The Dream Hotel artfully explores the seductive nature of technology, which puts us in shackles even as it makes our lives easier. Lalami asks how much of ourselves must remain private if we are to remain free, and whether even the most invasive forms of surveillance can ever capture who we really are.