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《Like Mother, Like Mother》讲述了三代坚强意志的女性如何在不知不觉中,被家族过去所隐藏的秘密所塑造的故事。这本书以其深刻的主题、生动的人物形象和扣人心弦的情节,赢得了广泛的好评。
Susan Rieger在小说中刻画了一系列栩栩如生的人物形象。这些女性角色各具特色,她们的性格、情感和经历都通过细腻的笔触得以生动展现。读者可以清晰地感受到她们的喜怒哀乐,以及她们在面对困境时的勇气和智慧。
《Like Mother, Like Mother》不仅是一部娱乐性的读物,更是一部具有文学价值的作品。Susan Rieger以其独特的叙事风格和深刻的洞察力,展现了女性在面对生活挑战时的坚韧与智慧。这本书不仅让读者在阅读过程中获得愉悦的体验,更激发了他们对生活、家庭和自我的深刻思考。
书名:Like Mother, Like Mother
作者:Susan Rieger
简介:An enthralling novel about three generations of strong-willed women, unknowingly shaped by the secrets buried in their family’s past.
Detroit, 1960. Lila Pereira is two years old when her angry, abusive father has her mother committed to an asylum. Lila never sees her mother again. Three decades later, having mustered everything she has—brains, charm, talent, blond hair—Lila rises to the pinnacle of American media as the powerful, brilliant executive editor of The Washington Globe. Lila unapologetically prioritizes her career, leaving the rearing of her daughters to her generous husband, Joe. He doesn’t mind—until he does.
But Grace, their youngest daughter, feels abandoned. She wishes her mother would attend PTA meetings, not White House correspondents’ dinners. As she grows up, she cannot shake her resentment. She wants out from under Lila’s shadow, yet the more she resists, the more Lila seems to shape her life. Grace becomes a successful reporter, even publishing a bestselling book about her mother. In the process of writing it, she realizes how little she knows about her own family. Did Lila’s mother, Grace’s grandmother, die in that asylum? Is refusal to look back the only way to create a future? How can you ever be yourself, Grace wonders, if you don’t know where you came from?
Spanning generations, and populated by complex, unforgettable characters, Like Mother, Like Mother is an exhilarating, portrait of family, marriage, ambition, power, the stories we inherit, and the lies we tell to become the people we believe we’re meant to be.