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《The Half Known Life》是皮科·艾耶尔的非虚构力作,它以细腻的笔触和深邃的哲思,引领我们穿梭于日本静谧的山间寺庙与贝尔法斯特喧嚣的街道之间,展开一场关于存在本质与和平愿景的跨文化对话。 艾耶尔以其独特的视野,精心编织了一幅跨越地域与文化的壮丽画卷。《The Half Known Life》不仅是一次地理上的旅行,更是一场心灵的朝圣,它探讨了在纷扰的世界中,人们如何追寻那份超越物质、触及灵魂深处的存在意义,以及如何在暴力与分裂的阴霾下,播种和平与希望的种子。 作品深入挖掘了人类对于“我是谁”、“我为何存在”的永恒追问,在不同文化的土壤中寻找共鸣,展现了人性深处对生命价值的普遍探索。艾耶尔以敏锐的观察力,揭示了即便在最黑暗的时刻,人类心中那份对和平的渴望如何如灯塔般指引方向,激发着个体与集体不断前行。艾耶尔巧妙地运用跨文化叙事手法,将东西方哲学、历史与现实交织在一起,构建了一个既广阔又细腻的思考空间。 《The Half Known Life》是一部集思想性、艺术性与可读性于一体的佳作。它不仅拓宽了我们的视野,让我们在文化的碰撞与融合中感受到人类共同的命运,更激发了我们对生命意义的深刻反思,以及对和平未来的无限憧憬。
书名:The Half Known Life: In Search of Paradise
作者:Pico Iyer
简介;From "one of the most soulful and perceptive writers of our time" (Brain Pickings): a journey through competing ideas of paradise to see how we can live more peacefully in an ever more divided and distracted world.
"Nothing less than a guided tour of the human soul...A masterpiece." -- #1 New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert
Paradise: that elusive place where the anxieties, struggles, and burdens of life fall away. Most of us dream of it, but each of us has very different ideas about where it is to be found. For some it can be enjoyed only after death; for others, it's in our midst--or just across the ocean--if only we can find eyes to see it.
Traveling from Iran to North Korea, from the Dalai Lama's Himalayas to the ghostly temples of Japan, Pico Iyer brings together a lifetime of explorations to upend our ideas of utopia and ask how we might find peace in the midst of difficulty and suffering. Does religion lead us back to Eden or only into constant contention? Why do so many seeming paradises turn into warzones? And does paradise exist only in the afterworld - or can it be found in the here and now?
For almost fifty years Iyer has been roaming the world, mixing a global soul's delight in observing cultures with a pilgrim's readiness to be transformed. In this culminating work, he brings together the outer world and the inner to offer us a surprising, original, oft