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《Life Worth Living》是一本由Miroslav Volf所著的书籍。这本书基于耶鲁大学的课程,深入探讨了如何定义并创造一种充实而有意义的生活。它不仅仅是一本理论性的著作,更是一本实践指南,帮助读者从当前的状态出发,找到并实现自己真正的使命和价值。书中充满了智慧的问题和深刻的见解,引导读者思考生活的本质和意义。
阅读《Life Worth Living》是一次深刻而富有启发性的体验。Volf的文笔流畅而富有感染力,他能够将复杂的思想以简洁明了的方式表达出来,使读者能够轻松理解并深入思考。书中的内容引人入胜,让人不禁反思自己的生活态度和价值观。同时,书中的实例和故事也使得理论更加生动具体,增强了读者的代入感和共鸣。
《Life Worth Living》的价值在于它提供了一种全新的视角来看待生活。它不仅仅关注个人的成功和幸福,更强调个人对社会的贡献和价值。这本书鼓励读者超越自我,思考如何通过自己的行动和选择来创造一个更加美好的世界。因此,它不仅是一本个人成长的指南,更是一本社会责任的启示录。无论你是正在寻找生活方向的年轻人,还是希望重新审视自己人生的中年人,这本书都将为你提供宝贵的启示和帮助。它是一本能够引领你走向更加充实和有意义生活的指南。
书名:Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most
作者:Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, Ryan McAnnally-Linz
简介:" Life Worth Living is transcendent. A collection of wisdom punctuated by questions of great consequence, this is the only book you need to find your way from where you are to where you are called to be."
--Kelly Corrigan, NYT bestselling author, host of Kelly Corrigan Wonders and PBS’s Tell Me More
Based on the Yale class, a guide to defining and then creating a flourishing life, and answering one of life’s most pressing how are we to live?
What makes a good life? The question is inherent to the human condition, asked by people across generations, professions, and social classes, and addressed by all schools of philosophy and religions. This search for meaning, as Yale faculty Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz argue, is at the crux of a crisis that is facing Western culture, a crisis that, they propose, can be ameliorated by searching, in one’s own life, for the underlying truth.
In A Life Worth Living , named after its authors’ highly sought-after undergraduate course, Volf, Croasmun, and McAnnally-Linz chart out this question, providing readers with jumping-off points, road maps, and habits of reflection for figuring out where their lives hold meaning and where things need to change.