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在繁忙与压力交织的现代生活中,一本能够让人放松心情、找回内心平静的书显得尤为珍贵。《We’ll Prescribe You a Cat》就是这样一本充满温情与治愈力量的书籍,它以独特的视角和温馨的故事,让读者在字里行间感受到猫咪带来的无尽温暖与慰藉。
这本书由日本作家石田祥(Syou Ishida)创作,于2024年9月由Random House UK出版。这本书在出版后受到了广泛的关注,甚至被美国亚马逊编辑推荐为2024年9月的好图书之一。讲述了五个不同人物与猫咪相遇、相处的故事。每个故事都围绕着“猫咪处方”这一主题展开,通过猫咪的陪伴与疗愈,帮助主人公们走出心灵的困境,重拾生活的希望与快乐。
《We’ll Prescribe You a Cat》不仅仅是一本关于猫咪的书,更是一本关于人性、情感与治愈的书。它让我们看到,在这个快节奏、高压力的社会中,有时候我们需要的不仅仅是物质上的满足,更是心灵上的慰藉与陪伴。而猫咪,正是这样一种能够给予我们这种慰藉与陪伴的神奇生物。
这本书的语言平实而温暖,情节简单却富有深意。它让我们在轻松愉快的阅读中,感受到猫咪的治愈力量,也让我们重新审视自己与周围世界的关系。如果你是一个爱猫之人,或者正在寻找一本能够治愈心灵的书籍,那么《We’ll Prescribe You a Cat》绝对值得一读。
《We’ll Prescribe You a Cat》是一本充满温情与治愈力量的书籍,它以独特的视角和温馨的故事,让读者在字里行间感受到猫咪带来的无尽温暖与慰藉。无论你是爱猫人士还是寻求心灵治愈的读者,这本书都将给你带来一次难忘的阅读体验。
书名:We'll Prescribe You a Cat
作者:Syou Ishida
简介:A cat a day keeps the doctor away….
Discover this utterly charming, vibrant celebration of the healing power of cats in the award-winning, bestselling Japanese novel that has become an international sensation.
Tucked away on the fifth floor of an old building at the end of a narrow alley in Kyoto, the Nakagyō Kokoro Clinic for the Soul can be found only by people who are struggling in their lives and who genuinely need help. The mysterious clinic offers a unique treatment to those who find their way there: it prescribes cats as medication. Patients are often puzzled by this unconventional prescription, but when they “take” their cat for the recommended duration, they witness profound transformations in their lives, guided by the playful, empathetic, and occasionally challenging yet endearing cats.
Throughout these pages, the power of the human-animal bond is revealed as a disheartened businessman finds unexpected joy in physical labor, a middle-aged man struggles to stay relevant at work and home, a young girl navigates the complexities of elementary school cliques, a hardened handbag designer seeks emotional balance, and a geisha learns to move on from the memory of her lost cat. As the clinic’s patients grapple with their inner turmoil and seek resolution, their feline companions lead them toward healing, self-discovery, and newfound hope.