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作者:Yan Lianke
书名:Dream of Ding Village《丁庄梦》
中文简介:“卖血潮”风行于过去的二十年间,由于很多人在卖血过程中接触了受感染的血液,致使艾滋病在中国农村蔓延开来。阎连科本人表示,他的Dream of Ding Village《红高粱》创作意图是要表达“一种焦灼不安”,展现中国社会最低层的苦难。“自己更多的不是写人体的艾滋病,而写的是人心中的艾滋病;”,关注人们“在生命的最后对生命的爱和独有的爱的方式”,并且用诗化语言来调节情节的残酷。一些评论认为《丁庄梦》风格冷峻、辛辣,“触目惊心地”展示了深藏于河南农民性格深处“形形色色的愚昧、顽劣、悲壮和辛酸”,将其称之为“中国版的《鼠疫》和《大疫年纪事》"
英文简介:Officially censored upon its Chinese publication, and the subject of a bitter lawsuit between author and publisher, Dream of Ding Village is Chinese novelist Yan Lianke's most important novel to date. Set in a poor village in Henan province, it is a deeply moving and beautifully written account of a blood-selling ring in contemporary China. Based on a real-life blood-selling scandal in eastern China, Dream of Ding Village is the result of three years of undercover work by Yan Lianke, who worked as an assistant to a well-known Beijing anthropologist in an effort to study a small village decimated by HIV/AIDS as a result of unregulated blood selling. Whole villages were wiped out with no responsibility taken or reparations paid. Dream of Ding Village focuses on one family, destroyed when one son rises to the top of the Party pile as he exploits the situation, while another son is infected and dies. The result is a passionate and steely critique of the rate at which China is developing and what happens to those who get in the way.