新书推荐 Christopher L. Hayes The Sirens' Call: How Attention Became the World's Most Endangered Re ‌《The Sirens' Call》是Chris Hayes的一部作品,该书深刻剖析了注意力危机,揭示了注意力如何对我们的心智和社会结构产生了深远影响。‌ 书中,Chris Hayes以宽广 84 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Peter Beinart Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza: A Reckoning 《Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza》是一本引人深思的作品,它通过对加沙地区破坏事件的深入剖析,展现了作者对犹太身份、道德责任以及人类共性的深刻反思。 &zwn 130 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 By the Fire We Carry: The Generations-Long Fight for Justice on Native Land 书名:By the Fire We Carry: The Generations-Long Fight for Justice on Native Land 作者:Rebecca Nagle 简介:A powerful work of reportage and American history that b 87 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space 书名:Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space 作者:Adam Higginbotham 简介:The definitive, dramatic, minute-by-minute story of the Ch 101 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 The Siege: A Six-Day Hostage Crisis and the Daring Special-Forces Operation That Shocked the World 书名:The Siege: A Six-Day Hostage Crisis and the Daring Special-Forces Operation That Shocked the World 作者:Ben Macintyre 简介:A thrilling tick-tock recounting 95 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 The Small and the Mighty: Twelve Unsung Americans Who Changed the Course of History, from the Foundi 书名:The Small and the Mighty: Twelve Unsung Americans Who Changed the Course of History, from the Founding to the Civil Rights Movement 作者:Sharon McMahon 简 104 views 阅读全文
商业金融 Oliver Bullough Moneyland: Why Thieves and Crooks Now Rule the World and How To Take It Back-金钱之地 Moneyland是作者布洛(0liver Bullough)的自创术语,形容一个由无法无天,超越国界的超级巨富所组成的秘密“国度”。 这群富豪(其中最大的一部分是来自前苏的强盗大亨) 40997 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty-有所得有所失:对生命、爱和自由的反思 书名:Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty《有所得有所失:对生命、爱和自由的反思》 作者:Hillary Rodham Clinton 简介:What would i 39960 views 阅读全文
历史小说 Ned Blackhawk The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History-重新发现美国 这本书对美国历史进行了具有里程碑意义的重新评价,并因此荣获2023年非小说类国家图书奖。书中内容跨越了从西班牙殖民时期到冷战的五个世纪,并将原住民置于美国现代国家演变的 55 views 阅读全文
历史小说 Gary J. Bass Judgment at Tokyo: World War II on Trial and the Making of Modern Asia-东京审判 东京审判的正式名称是远东国际军事法庭,其持续时间比纽伦堡审判更长,规模也更大。正如加里·J·巴斯在这部详尽而引人入胜的书中指出的,这次审判产生了严重后果,并 91 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Ta-Nehisi Coates The Message-讯息 书名:The Message《讯息》 作者:Ta-Nehisi Coates 简介:Ta-Nehisi Coates originally set off to write a book about writing, in the tradition of Orwell’s classic 39103 views 阅读全文
历史小说 Elena Kostyuchenko I Love Russia: Reporting from a Lost Country-我爱俄罗斯 2005年,当埃琳娜·科斯图琴科开始在著名的俄罗斯独立报纸《新报》实习时,弗拉基米尔·普京刚刚上任总统,高油价推动了消费繁荣。但与急速前进的俄罗斯相比,科斯图琴 113 views 阅读全文
犯罪法律 Azam Ahmed Fear Is Just a Word: A Missing Daughter, a Violent Cartel, and a Mother's Quest for 2010年,泽塔贩毒集团控制了墨西哥圣费尔南多,引发了绑架和谋杀浪潮,手段格外残暴。在这本书中,《泰晤士报》记者阿扎姆·艾哈迈德回顾了米里亚姆·罗德里格斯的故事 121 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Bob Woodward War-战争 书名:War《战争》 作者:Bob Woodward 简介:Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Bob Woodward tells the revelatory, behind-the-scenes story of three wars—Ukraine, th 277 views 阅读全文
人物自传 Robert A. Caro The Passage of Power(The Years of Lyndon Johnson #4)-权力更迭 书名:The Passage of Power(The Years of Lyndon Johnson #4)《权力更迭》 作者:Robert A. Caro 简介:The Passage of Power follows Lyndon Johnson through both the most 107 views 阅读全文
人物自传 Robert A. Caro Master of the Senate(The Years of Lyndon Johnson #3)-参议院之王 书名:Master of the Senate(The Years of Lyndon Johnson #3)《参议院之王》 作者:Robert A. Caro 简介:Master of the Senate, Book Three of The Years of Lyndon Johnson, 110 views 阅读全文
人物自传 Robert A. Caro Means of Ascent(The Years of Lyndon Johnson #2)-进阶之梯 书名:Means of Ascent(The Years of Lyndon Johnson #2)《进阶之梯》 作者:Robert A. Caro 简介:In Means of Ascent, Book Two of The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Robert A. 95 views 阅读全文
人物自传 Robert A. Caro The Path to Power(The Years of Lyndon Johnson #1)-权力之路 编辑推荐 适读人群 :政治历史读者;外国文学读者;纪实文学读者; ★读懂权力、读懂政治、读懂金钱、读懂美国 ★了解20世纪美国政治、历史的必读书 ★美剧《纸牌屋》根据本书 90 views 阅读全文
经济管理 Acemoglu Daron Introduction to Modern Economic Growth-现代经济增长导论 书名:Introduction to Modern Economic Growth《现代经济增长导论》 作者:Acemoglu Daron 简介:Introduction to Modern Economic Growth is a groundbreaking text from one 1528 views 阅读全文
经济管理 Acemoglu Daron Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy 书名:Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy 作者:Acemoglu Daron, James A. Robinson 简介:What forces lead to democracy's creation? Why does it sometim 1518 views 阅读全文
经济管理 Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity-权力与进步 书名:Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity《权力与进步》 作者:Acemoglu Daron, Simon Johnson 简介:The bestselling co-autho 1539 views 阅读全文
经济管理 The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty-狭窄的走廊:国家、社会和自由的命运 书名:The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty《狭窄的走廊:国家、社会和自由的命运》 作者:Acemoglu Daron, James A. Robinson 简介:'A must- 1560 views 阅读全文
历史小说 The Global Age: Europe 1950-2017(Penguin History of Europe #9)-全球时代:欧洲(1950—2017) 书名:The Global Age: Europe 1950-2017(Penguin History of Europe #9)《全球时代:欧洲(1950—2017)》 作者:Ian Kershaw 简介:The final chapter in the Penguin Hist 10634 views 阅读全文
历史小说 A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy-阿卜杜勒·萨拉马的一天 2012年,耶路撒冷发生了一场灾难性的交通事故,一辆满载巴勒斯坦儿童的校车起火,火情持续了三十多分钟,紧急救援人员才赶到现场。 本书以编年史的形式记录了此次灾难。驻耶路撒冷 74 views 阅读全文
成功心理 Jessica Nordell The End of Bias: A Beginning-偏见的终结:我们如何改变思维 美国记者杰西卡·诺德尔从认知科学和社会心理学的角度深入研究无意识的偏见,采访了许多在实践中力图消除偏见的警察、医生、律师和教育工作者。 书名:The End of Bias: 58 views 阅读全文