经济管理 The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty-狭窄的走廊:国家、社会和自由的命运 书名:The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty《狭窄的走廊:国家、社会和自由的命运》 作者:Acemoglu Daron, James A. Robinson 简介:'A must- 1560 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI-智人之上:从石器时代到人工智能的信息网络简史 在过去10万年里,我们智人积攒了巨大的力量。然而,持续不断的发明与征服也将我们推入了一场生存危机。全球生态濒临崩溃,虚假信息泛滥。我们正一头扎进可能毁灭我们自身的、由新 18270 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Alvin Plantinga God, Freedom, and Evil 书名:God, Freedom, and Evil 作者:Alvin Plantinga 简介:In his discussion of natural theology (arguments to prove the existence of God) and natural atheology (argu 245 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Alvin Plantinga Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism 书名:Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism 作者:Alvin Plantinga 简介:This book is a long-awaited major statement by a pre-eminent ana 186 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Alvin Plantinga Knowledge and Christian Belief-知识与基督教信仰 书名:Knowledge and Christian Belief《知识与基督教信仰》 作者:Alvin Plantinga 简介:In his widely praised Warranted Christian Belief (Oxford, 2000) Alvin Plantinga 196 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Alvin Plantinga Warrant and Proper Function(Warrant #2)-保证与恰当功能 书名:Warrant and Proper Function(Warrant #2)《保证与恰当功能》 作者:Alvin Plantinga 简介:In this companion volume to The Current Debate , Alvin Plantinga develop 195 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Alvin Plantinga Warranted Christian Belief(Warrant #3) 书名:Warranted Christian Belief(Warrant #3) 作者:Alvin Plantinga 简介:This is the third volume in Alvin Plantinga's trilogy on the notion of warrant, which h 195 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Daniel C. Dennett Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?-科学与宗教:它们能融合吗? 书名:Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?《科学与宗教:它们能融合吗?》 作者:Daniel C. Dennett, Alvin Plantinga 简介:“Given the stature of its two prot 195 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Sadhguru Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy 书名:Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy 作者:Sadhguru 简介:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Thought leader, visionary, philanthropist, mystic, and yogi 52 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 The Gardener and the Carpenter: What the New Science of Child Development Tells Us About the Relatio 书名:The Gardener and the Carpenter: What the New Science of Child Development Tells Us About the Relationship Between Parents and Children《园丁与木匠》 作者:Al 48 views 阅读全文
成功心理 Infectious Generosity: The Ultimate Idea Worth Spreading-有感染力的慷慨 作为TED的负责人,Chris Anderson 直面世界上最大胆的思想家们所分享的那些最振奋人心的想法。受到他们的启发,他相信我们有能力将愤怒转化为乐观。这一切都归结为重新思考人类 67 views 阅读全文
经济管理 Thomas Piketty Capital and Ideology-资本与意识形态 书名:Capital and Ideology《资本与意识形态》 作者:Thomas Piketty 简介:The epic successor to one of the most important books of the century: at once a retelling of 38 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life-适应力:来之不易的智慧引领美好生活 书名:Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life《适应力:来之不易的智慧引领美好生活》 作者:Eric Greitens 简介:You cannot bounce back from hardship. You 42 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Philip Yancey Where Is God When It Hurts?-有话问苍天 良善慈爱的上帝为什么允许苦难伤痛存在?人生为什么会有苦难?是上帝预定了人类的苦难吗?是他命定了受虐待的童年,精心策划了一场场空难,驾着龙卷风横扫整个海岸吗?是他上紧了这个世 74 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World 书名:Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World 作者:Naomi Klein 简介:What if you woke up one morning and found you’d acquired another self―a double who w 36 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness 书名:The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness 作者:Robert Waldinger 简介:What makes for a happy life, a fulfilling life? 45 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within 书名:Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within 作者:David Goggins 简介:This is not a self-help book. It's a wake-up call! Can't Hurt Me 55 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Rick Rubin The Creative Act: A Way of Being 简介:The Creative Act: A Way of Being 作者:Rick Rubin 简介:From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of their cr 51 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 David Brooks How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen 书名:How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen 作者:David Brooks 简介:A practical, heartfelt guide to the art of truly knowing 21137 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Daniel C. Dennett I've Been Thinking 书名:I've Been Thinking 作者:Daniel C. Dennett 简介:"How unfair for one man to be blessed with such a torrent of stimulating thoughts. Stimulating is an unde 20892 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Heraclitus Fragments-片段 书名:Fragments《片段》 作者:Heraclitus 简介:In the sixth century b.c.—twenty-five hundred years before Einstein—Heraclitus of Ephesus declared that e 357 views 阅读全文
商业金融 Michael Michalko Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques-创意思考玩具库 书名:Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques《创意思考玩具库》 作者:Michael Michalko 简介:In hindsight, every great idea seems obvious. But how c 70 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Stephen Levine Animal Sutras 书名:Animal Sutras 作者:Stephen Levine 简介:“I love this book. It feels like a secret treasure bequeathed by Stephen Levine to be opened after his death―a 74 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Meetings at the Edge: Dialogues with the Grieving and the Dying, the Healing and the Healed 书名:Meetings at the Edge: Dialogues with the Grieving and the Dying, the Healing and the Healed 作者:Stephen Levine 简介:Based on his extensive counseling work 76 views 阅读全文
宗教小说 Stephen Levine A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as If It Were Your Last 书名:A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as If It Were Your Last 作者:Stephen Levine 简介:In his new book, Stephen Levine, author of the perennial best-seller 53 views 阅读全文