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国际货币基金组织执行董事会前厅放置着凯恩斯和哈里·怀特的半身铜像。关于凯恩斯的书籍和传记数不胜数,但人们对怀特却知之甚少。国际货币基金组织前历史学家James M. Boughton这本关于怀特的精彩传记则试图纠正这种不平衡。
书名:Harry White and the American Creed: How a Federal Bureaucrat Created the Modern Global Economy《哈利·怀特与美国信条:不为人知的全球现代经济奠基人》
作者:James M. Boughton
简介:The life of a major figure in twentieth‑century economic history whose impact has long been clouded by dubious allegations
Although Harry Dexter White (1892–1948) was arguably the most important U.S. government economist of the twentieth century, he is remembered more for having been accused of being a Soviet agent. During the Second World War, he became chief advisor on international financial policy to Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, a role that would take him to Bretton Woods, where he would make a lasting impact on the architecture of postwar international finance. However, charges of espionage, followed by his dramatic testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee and death from a heart attack a few days later, obscured his importance in setting the terms for the modern global economy. In this book, James Boughton rehabilitates White, delving into his life and work and returning him to a central role as the architect of the world’s financial system.