Imogen Edwards-Jones Wedding Babylon-巴比伦婚礼

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Imogen Edwards-Jones Wedding Babylon-巴比伦婚礼

作者   : Imogen Edwards-Jones

书名   : Wedding Babylon《巴比伦婚礼》

简介 :Following a week in the life of a busy wedding planner, and based entirely on true but anonymous stories, Wedding Babylon takes you to the heart of an industry where emotions run high, money flows like champagne and £3,000 cakes are made of polystyrene. Why are weddings so expensive? What makes us spend a year's wages on one Big Day? And just how Big does your Day actually have to be?

Hilarious, shocking and full of jaw-dropping true tales of wedding days from hell, here is definitive proof that, sadly, the course of true love never did run entirely smooth ...

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