Nate the Great and the Big Sniff(Nate the Great #18)-奈特大帝和大嗅探

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Nate the Great and the Big Sniff(Nate the Great #18)-奈特大帝和大嗅探

作者:Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

书名:Nate the Great and the Big Sniff(Nate the Great #18)《奈特大帝和大嗅探》

英文简介:Nate, the great detective, depends on his dog, Sludge, to help him solve all of his cases. But Sludge can’t help him this time — Sludge is lost! Lost inside a big department store on a rainy day. Nate frantically searches for his best friend and trusted helper. Salespeople have spotted a wet, slippery, sloppy dog running about. Is Sludge hiding from them? Nate looks high and low, and in places he’d rather not look at all. But every clue leads to a dead end... until Nate realizes that Sludge can help him with this case! 

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