Justine(Alexandria Quartet #1)-贾斯汀

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Justine(Alexandria Quartet #1)-贾斯汀

作者:Lawrence Durrell

书名:Justine(Alexandria Quartet #1)《贾斯汀》 

英文简介:The time is the eve of the Second World War. The place is Alexandria, an Egyptian city that once housed the world's greatest library and whose inhabitants are still dedicated to knowledge. But for the obsessed and purblind characters in this mesmerizing first novel of the Alexandria Quartet, the pursuit of knowledge leads to no library, only to the bedrooms in which each seeks to know - and possess - the other. Since its publication in 1957, "Justine" has inspired an almost religious devotion among readers and critics. It is not so much a book as it is a self-contained universe, constructed by one of the most elegant and formidably intelligent minds in contemporary fiction.

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