Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. The Age of Jackson-杰克逊时代

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Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. The Age of Jackson-杰克逊时代

作者:Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

书名:The Age of Jackson《杰克逊时代》

英文简介:The young Schlesinger, for all the tradition he embodied, had a refreshing streak of informality. While working in the Kennedy White House, he found time to review movies for Show magazine. He also admitted his mistakes. One, he said, was neglecting to mention President Jackson’s brutal treatment of the Indians in his Pulitzer Prize-winning “Age of Jackson.” It was published when he was 27, and is still standard reading.

The book rejected earlier interpretations linking the rise of Jacksonian democracy with westward expansion. Instead, it gave greater importance to a coalition of intellectuals and workers in the Northeast who were determined to check the growing power of business.
The book sold more than 90,000 copies in its first year and won the 1946 Pulitzer Prize for history.

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