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作者:Peter Panzeri Jr
书名:Little Big Horn 1876: Custer's Last Stand《小巨角1876:卡斯特最后据点战役》
英文简介:Osprey's examination of one of the most controversial battles of the American Indian Wars (1775-1918). The death of George Armstrong Custer, and over half of his 7th Cavalry Regiment in the valley of the Little Big Horn on 25 July 1876, has become the most celebrated battle of the Indian Wars. It was the greatest, and the last, victory of the Native Americans over the United States military. Disobeying orders, Custer followed a trail to a large encampment of Indians and, without determining the numbers he faced split his command into three groups and attacked. In the resulting chaos Custer and more than half the troops under his command were killed.
中文背景:小巨角战役(Battle of the Little Bighorn)是北美印第安战争之一场战役,美军在此役中遭到美国原住民苏族人围歼。19世纪,美国淘金热风潮大起,大批白人拓荒者蜂拥至中西部淘金,却时常遭到当地苏族人袭击,在南北战争中闻名的第七骑兵团团长乔治·阿姆斯特朗·卡斯特中校奉命进兵绥剿。1876年6月25日,卡斯特自领两百余骑兵,与马可士·雷诺少校、弗列德瑞克·班廷上尉分兵三路,进攻蒙大拿州黑山山谷。不料雷诺与班廷遇阻,自行退却。卡斯特所部孤军深入,遭酋长“疯马”与萨满“坐牛”率领的三千名苏族勇士伏击,全军覆灭。