The Black Bloc Papers-黑人集团文件

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The Black Bloc Papers-黑人集团文件

作者:David Van Deusen and Xaviar Massot

书名:The Black Bloc Papers《黑人集团文件》

英文简介:The Black Bloc Papers is a set of documents preserved from the anti-globalization movement from 1999 2001. It serves as a punctuated beginning by way of calls to action, manifestos, and action reports of a new era of anarchist organizing and activity. Rather than organizing to last or to win the black bloc enters from stage left as a disruption; to global capital, to protest politics as usual, as ephemeral and ubiquitous.

The Black Bloc Papers is intended for those who would like to understand the vigorous protest politics of anarchism, the tactic of the black bloc as practiced over a decade ago, and as a historical signpost reminding us of how far we’ve come and how far we have left to go. 

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