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作者:Alan Hollinghurst
书名:The Line of Beauty《美丽线条》
中文简介:The Line of Beauty《美丽线条》这部小说以二十世纪八十年代玛格丽特·撒切尔执政时期为背景,讲述了1983、1986和1987年发生的故事。全书围绕着牛津大学毕业生尼克·盖斯特的生活、同性恋爱经历以及他同伦敦上层社会的友谊,探讨了虚伪、同性恋、疯狂和特权。这本书由安德鲁·戴维斯改编成三集电视系列剧,于2006年5月17日起在英国广播公司第二台(BBC2)播出。《独立报》称它“睿智,适合成年人”,而《卫报》内部则褒贬不一,有人称它为“创造性的失败”,有人则说它“很棒”……至于到底如何,自己去看看就知道了。
英文简介:In the summer of 1983, twenty-year-old Nick Guest moves into an attic room in the Notting Hill home of the Feddens: conservative Member of Parliament Gerald, his wealthy wife Rachel, and their two children, Toby-whom Nick had idolized at Oxford-and Catherine, highly critical of her family's assumptions and ambitions.
As the boom years of the eighties unfold, Nick, an innocent in the world of politics and money, finds his life altered by the rising fortunes of this glamorous family. His two vividly contrasting love affairs, one with a young black clerk and one with a Lebanese millionaire, dramatize the dangers and rewards of his own private pursuit of beauty, a pursuit as compelling to Nick as the desire for power and riches among his friends.
Richly textured, emotionally charged, disarmingly comic, this U.K. bestseller is a major work by one of our finest writers.