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书名:The Red and the Black《红与黑》
中文简介:《红与黑》(Le Rouge et le Noir),是法国小说家司汤达的写实主义小说,书名的小标题为“1830年的编年史”。作品讲述主人公于连是小业主的儿子,凭着聪明才智,在当地市长家当家庭教师时与市长夫人勾搭成奸,事情败露后逃离市长家,进了神学院。经神学院院长举荐,到巴黎给极端保王党中坚人物拉莫尔侯爵当私人秘书,很快得到侯爵的赏识和重用。与此同时,于连又与侯爵的女儿有了私情。最后在教会的策划下,市长夫人被逼写了一封告密信揭发他,使他的飞黄腾达毁于一旦。他在气愤之下,开枪击伤市长夫人,被判处死刑,上了断头台。
英文简介:Handsome, ambitious Julien Sorel is determined to rise above his humble provincial origins. Soon realizing that success can only be achieved by adopting the subtle code of hypocrisy by which society operates, he begins to achieve advancement through deceit and self-interest. His triumphant career takes him into the heart of glamorous Parisian society, along the way conquering the gentle, married Madame de Rênal, and the haughty Mathilde. But then Julien commits an unexpected, devastating crime - and brings about his own downfall. The Red and the Black is a lively, satirical portrayal of French society after Waterloo, riddled with corruption, greed, and ennui, and Julien - the cold exploiter whose Machiavellian campaign is undercut by his own emotions - is one of the most intriguing characters in European literature.