新书推荐 Ashley Audrain The Push-我本不该成为母亲 书名:The Push《我本不该成为母亲》 作者:Ashley Audrain 书评:Ashley Audrain的处女作探讨了有关母性天职的话题,将目光投向女性群体,关注她们不被外界信任时所处的困境。 70762 views 阅读全文
商业金融 Roger McNamee Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe-成为扎克伯格:认识Facebook的灾难 作者: Roger McNamee 书名:Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe《成为扎克伯格:认识Facebook的灾难》 英文简介:The story of how a noted tech venture capital 6115 views 阅读全文
文化艺术 David Epstein The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance-运动基因 作者: David Epstein 书名:The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance《运动基因:非凡竞技能力背后的科学》 英文简介:In high school, 8 views 阅读全文
成功心理 Matt Haig Notes on a Nervous Planet-焦虑星球笔记 作者: Matt Haig 书名:Notes on a Nervous Planet《焦虑星球笔记》 英文简介:A follow-up to Matt Haig's internationally bestselling memoir, Reasons to Stay Alive 30 views 阅读全文
成功心理 Matt Haig Reasons to Stay Alive-活下去的理由 作者: Matt Haig 书名:Reasons to Stay Alive《活下去的理由》 英文简介:Matt Haig’s accessible and life-affirming memoir of his struggle with depression, and 30 views 阅读全文
经典名著 Sylvia Plath The Bell Jar-钟罩 作者: Sylvia Plath 书名:The Bell Jar《钟罩》 英文简介:The Bell Jar chronicles the crack-up of Esther Greenwood: brilliant, beautiful, enormously talented, and s 14 views 阅读全文
成功心理 Robert Greene The 33 Strategies of War-战争的33大战略 作者: Robert Greene 书名:The 33 Strategies of War《战争的33大战略》 英文简介:Brilliant distillations of the strategies of war—and the subtle social game o 6 views 阅读全文
成功心理 Robert Greene The Art of Seduction-诱惑的艺术 作者: Robert Greene 书名:The Art of Seduction《诱惑的艺术》 英文简介:The season's most talked-about all-purpose personal strategy guide and philosophical co 6 views 阅读全文
商业金融 Robert Greene The 48 Laws of Power-权力的48条法则 作者: Robert Greene 书名:The 48 Laws of Power《权力的48条法则》 英文简介:This amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive book synthesizes the philosophies of Ma 7 views 阅读全文
成功心理 SuperBetter: A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Stronger, Happier, Braver and More Resilient-游戏改变人生 作者: Jane McGonigal 书名:SuperBetter: A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Stronger, Happier, Braver and More Resilient - Powered by the Science of Games《游戏 5 views 阅读全文
成功心理 Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World-游戏改变世界 作者: Jane McGonigal 书名:Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World《游戏改变世界 : 游戏化如何让现实变得更美好》 英文简介:Mo 5 views 阅读全文
现实文学 Pat Barker Border Crossing-越界 作者: Pat Barker 书名:Border Crossing《越界》 英文简介:Border Crossing is Pat Barker's unflinching novel of darkness, evil and society. When Tom Seymour, a 11 views 阅读全文
商业金融 David Epstein Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World-排行榜:通才如何在专才的领域中取得胜利 作者:David Epstein 书名:Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World《排行榜:通才如何在专才的领域中取得胜利》 英文简介:What's the most effective pat 1080 views 阅读全文
成功心理 James Hillman The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling-灵魂密码 作者: James Hillman 书名:The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling《灵魂密码》 英文简介:Drawing on the biographies of figures such as Ella Fitzger 9 views 阅读全文
生活休闲 What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy-电子游戏能够教会我们学习和识字 作者: James Paul Gee 书名:What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy《电子游戏能够教会我们学习和识字》 英文简介:A controversial look at the p 17 views 阅读全文
自然社科 Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat-令人讨厌的事实 作者: Marion Nestle 书名:Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat《令人讨厌的事实:食品公司如何歪曲我们吃的科学》 英文简介:Is chocolate 5989 views 阅读全文
成功心理 Mark Manson 3 Ideas That Can Change Your Life-3个可以改变你生活的想法 作者: Mark Manson 书名:3 Ideas That Can Change Your Life《3个可以改变你生活的想法》 英文简介:All changes are based in ideas. Ideas give us new perspectives and 6 views 阅读全文
自然社科 Michael Pollan How to Change Your Mind-如何改变你的头脑 作者: Michael Pollan 书名:How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Trans 19 views 阅读全文
历史小说 Robert Wright Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny-非零年代:人类命运的逻辑 作者: Robert Wright 书名:Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny《非零年代:人类命运的逻辑》 英文简介:In his bestselling The Moral Animal, Robert Wright applied the p 41 views 阅读全文
宗教小说 Robert Wright The Evolution of God-上帝的演化 作者: Robert Wright 书名:The Evolution of God《上帝的演化》 英文简介:In this sweeping narrative that takes us from the Stone Age to the Information Age, Robert 39 views 阅读全文
成功心理 The Moral Animal: Why We Are the Way We Are - The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology-道德动物 作者: Robert Wright 书名:The Moral Animal: Why We Are the Way We Are - The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology《道德动物》 英文简介:Are men literally born to 39 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Robert Wright Why Buddhism Is True-为什么佛学是真的 作者: Robert Wright 书名:Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment《为什么佛学是真的》 英文简介:From one of America&rsquo 23 views 阅读全文
外国科幻 Alison Lurie Imaginary Friends-想象中的朋友 作者:Alison Lurie 书名:Imaginary Friends《想象中的朋友》 英文简介:In the name of sociological research, two scientists infiltrate the ranks of the Truth Seekers 11 views 阅读全文
社会哲学 Jed Rubenfeld The Triple Package-成功三法宝 作者:Jed Rubenfeld 书名:The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America《成功三法宝:三种不可能的特质怎样解 22 views 阅读全文