回忆录 Chris Forhan My Father Before Me 《My Father Before Me》是一本深刻探讨父子关系及其对彼此一生影响的书籍。作者迈克尔·J.戴蒙德通过超30年的父子关系研究,以精神分析思想为核心,结合发展心理学的脉 20 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Josephine Baker Fearless and Free: A Memoir 《Fearless and Free》是一部由Josephine Baker自述的回忆录。这部作品以Josephine Baker的独特视角,讲述了她在20世纪20年代如何在巴黎掀起风暴,以她的幽默、美丽和活力征服 44 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Bill Gates Source Code: My Beginnings 《源代码:我的开端》(Source Code: My Beginnings)是比尔·盖茨的首部个人回忆录。 这本书详细记录了比尔·盖茨从童年到创立微软公司的成长历程,包括他在 179 views 阅读全文
人物自传 Dan Jones Henry V: The Astonishing Triumph of England's Greatest Warrior King 《Henry V》是一本由历史学者Dan Jones所著的关于英格兰国王亨利五世的书籍。这本书以其独特的视角和深入的剖析,赢得了读者和评论家的一致好评。 Dan Jones在书中巧妙地将 136 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Kennedy―and Why It Failed 《The JFK Conspiracy》一书由Brad Meltzer所著,是一部关于约翰·F·肯尼迪遇刺事件的深度揭秘作品。 书中,作者通过一位参与肯尼迪尸检的海军外科医生的第一手 219 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Theodore H. Schwartz Gray Matters: A Biography of Brain Surgery 《Gray Matters: A Biography of Brain Surgery》是一本由神经外科领域杰出实践者撰写的关于脑外科手术的流行传记。这本书以独特的视角深入探讨了脑外科手术这一专业领域,不 277 views 阅读全文
历史小说 The Wide Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Co 《广阔海洋》(The Wide Wide Sea)是美国作家汉普顿·赛德斯(Hampton Sides)的一部力作,于2024年由道布尔戴出版社出版。这部历史作品不仅是一部对18世纪英国海军上尉詹姆斯 111 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Kelly Bishop The Third Gilmore Girl 《The Third Gilmore Girl》是深受喜爱的演员凯莉·毕晓普撰写的一部深情回忆录。这部回忆录不仅回顾了毕晓普在娱乐行业长达六十年的辉煌生涯,还通过幽默睿智的见解和 266 views 阅读全文
人物自传 Woody Allen Apropos of Nothing 《Apropos of Nothing》是伍迪·艾伦的自传,详细记录了他的个人生活和职业生涯‌。这本书涵盖了伍迪·艾伦在电影、戏剧、电视、夜总会和出版等多个领域的工 123 views 阅读全文
人物自传 More Than I Imagined: What a Black Man Discovered About the White Mother He Never Knew 书名:More Than I Imagined: What a Black Man Discovered About the White Mother He Never Knew 作者:John K. Blake 简介:An award-winning journalist tells the story o 160 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning-誓言与荣誉:回忆录与警告 书名:Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning《誓言与荣誉:回忆录与警告》 作者:Liz Cheney 简介:Read by Liz Cheney with 50+ audio source material clips included, Oat 117 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Kelly Bishop The Third Gilmore Girl: A Memoir-第三位吉尔莫女孩 书名:The Third Gilmore Girl: A Memoir《第三位吉尔莫女孩》 作者:Kelly Bishop 简介:“Come for the Gilmore Girls anecdotes, stay for the revealing truths about 111 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Tia Levings A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy 书名:A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy 作者:Tia Levings 简介:“Today it hit me when he hit me, blood shaking in my brain. Maybe there 105 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 RuPaul The House of Hidden Meanings 书名:The House of Hidden Meanings 作者:RuPaul 简介:From international drag superstar and pop culture icon RuPaul, comes his most revealing and personal work to d 104 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Drew Afualo Loud: Accept Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve 书名:Loud: Accept Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve 作者:Drew Afualo 简介:Drew Afualo is best known as the internet’s 'Crusader for Women' and 103 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me 书名:Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me 作者:Whoopi Goldberg 简介:From multi-award winner Whoopi Goldberg comes a new and unique memoir of her family 96 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 When Women Ran Fifth Avenue: Glamour and Power at the Dawn of American Fashion 书名:When Women Ran Fifth Avenue: Glamour and Power at the Dawn of American Fashion 作者:Julie Satow 简介:A glittering, glamorous portrait of the golden age of A 90 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed-不要问:肯尼迪家族和他们毁掉的女人 书名:Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed《不要问:肯尼迪家族和他们毁掉的女人》 作者:Maureen Callahan 简介:From New York Times bestseller Maureen Ca 92 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 The Small and the Mighty: Twelve Unsung Americans Who Changed the Course of History, from the Foundi 书名:The Small and the Mighty: Twelve Unsung Americans Who Changed the Course of History, from the Founding to the Civil Rights Movement 作者:Sharon McMahon 简 105 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Women in the Valley of the Kings: The Untold Story of Women Egyptologists in the Gilded Age 书名:Women in the Valley of the Kings: The Untold Story of Women Egyptologists in the Gilded Age 作者:Kathleen Sheppard 简介:The never-before-told story of the w 78 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Melania Trump Melania 书名:Melania 作者:Melania Trump 简介:Melania is a compelling and inspirational memoir that offers a glimpse into the life of a remarkable woman who has navigated 40394 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty-有所得有所失:对生命、爱和自由的反思 书名:Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty《有所得有所失:对生命、爱和自由的反思》 作者:Hillary Rodham Clinton 简介:What would i 40246 views 阅读全文
新书推荐 Lisa Marie Presley Lisa Marie Presley From Here to the Great Unknown: A Memoir 书名:From Here to the Great Unknown: A Memoir 作者:Lisa Marie Presley, Riley Keough 简介:Born to an American myth and raised in the wilds of Graceland, Lisa Mari 39503 views 阅读全文
历史小说 Ilyon Woo Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom-主人 奴隶 丈夫 妻子 1848年,艾伦和威廉·克拉夫特乔装打扮,试图逃离佐治亚州的奴隶制——浅肤色的艾伦伪装成病态的白人绅士、威廉装作他的奴隶,然后乘坐火车和轮船一路向北。本书 59 views 阅读全文
回忆录 Cristina Rivera Garza Liliana's Invincible Summer: A Sister's Search for Justice-莉莉安娜的无敌夏天 1990年夏天,墨西哥城20岁的建筑系学生莉莉安娜·里维拉·加尔萨被她的前男友在公寓里杀害。在这本书中,莉莉安娜的姐姐,也是著名的小说作家和历史学家克里斯蒂娜&m 76 views 阅读全文